iftar prayer

iftar prayer

iftar prayer

Reciting iftar prayer is among one of the acts of worship and has a great value for every fasting person during Ramzan. This is an emotional and sweet moment for every Muslim, even in their 30-day-long fast during iftar.

iftar prayer dua

We should do the Sunnah and pray to Allah during this significant time. As such, we will supplicate before breaking the fast that Allah Almighty may accept our prayers. Amen!

The Iftar prayer, also known as Salat al-Maghrib in contrast to the regular Maghrib (prayer) offered daily, is a significant nightly Salah and one of year-round Sunni Islam. This prayer, when viewed from a spiritual perspective can be explained in several ways;

Iftar: The evening meal when those observing Ramadan break their daily fast. It is a token of Thanksgiving and recognition of the sustenance Allah has given us. The act of breaking the fast with prayer and then food after a day without sustenance or drink, emphasizes that yin-and-yang dichotomy between mind, body soul.

Maghrib means reflection and renewal: The prayer offered at Maghreb allows the Muslims to look back on their day, and ask for forgiveness for all those things they have wronged someone with and intend again. Reconnect with Allah moment

Maghrib prayer: It is the time of Maghrib when light turns into darkness. On a spiritual level this could indicate that movement from the hassle and hurry of daytime tonight is now over. This period should be a time to focus on spiritual awakening and comfort

Community and Family Bonding The Iftar meal is a communal one, often shared with family members or friends. The prayer that goes with it helps further establish the idea of camaraderie and group devotion.

Acknowledgment of the Rahmah of Allah: This means that when we break our fast and perform the Maghrib prayer, this is a sign expression of how much mercy Allah has given us. This is simply a recognition that even while mankind goes astray, Allah still sustains and provides.

iftar time today

I can not see the Iftar time and that is Real Time but you should do the XAML Application Bar to Get it From Your Local Islamic calendar or prayer times app. Iftar- An evening meal in Ramadan with which Muslims end their daily fasting(starting between sunset and last daylight). 

If you let me know approximately where in the world you are, I might be able to give a rough indication of when sunset is.

This is why we bring some of the resources you can trust;

IslamicFinder: It is the website that tells you about Iftar, and which timing prayers should be in your area. You could also search by your city or ZIP code.

Muslim Pro: Muslim Professional: It is a top-rated application for Islamic content like Iftar timings, prayer…

Local Mosque or Islamic Center: Contact your local mosque or Islamic center for the most accurate and up-to-date iftar time information.

Additionally, you can use these websites to find iftar times:



I hope this helps!

Iftar prayer hadith

According to Islamic customs, the prayer performed by Muslims after sunset is known as Iftar Prayer or Salat al-maghrib. There are many Hadith of The Prophet related to Iftar however we should keep in mind that Salahul Maghrib belongs to a fixed time as any other congregational prayer and no particular grace-time is prescribed for it.

However, there are a lot of hadiths on the examples and teachings of Prophet Muhammad about breaking fast and its prayers.

Here are some Hadiths about the Iftar and Maghrib Prayer:

1. Breaking the Fast and Prayer:

Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: The instincts with which children are created are those that will carry on drinking till they grow up and eat before going to sleep, but undoubtedly it is only Satan who pours.

2. Dua Before Breaking the Fast:

Hadith: Abdullah bin Umar Radiyallahu Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah Mohammad Sallallaahu R.I., used to break his fast with fresh dates before going to Masjid for Maghrib Prayer. (ذنبان غفر اللّه لهما و انزع روس شياطين عصى كارت به سود نشد)- (اللَّهُـمَ إِنِّـي صائم باكثر مغروب أفط !(لا فول)!) (Abu Dawood and others). This supplication illustrates the spiritual presence and Allah's consciousness in Iftar.

3. Maghrib Prayer After Iftar:

Several hadiths explain how the Prophet Muhammad always broke his fast before going to Maghrib prayer. The hadiths may not mention Maghrib specifically when it comes to Iftar but we know from the fact that

4. The Ridiculous Advantages of Sehri

Salman al-Farsi narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “In Paradise, there is a gate which is called Ar-Rayyan and those who observe fasts will enter through it on Day of Resurrection and none except them will enter through it.

Authentic by Al-Bukhari and Muslim This hadith explicitly demonstrates that the high station of fasting in spiritual terms & here we also get to know some aspects using which iftari should be done.

To summarise, it is the prayer of Iftar (Maghrib) and similar to the rest of daily prayers but most ahadith are focused on breaking fast and duas that come alongside this. This is Sunnat-e-Inaa'fiyah i.e., it means that if one has prayed (extra) after zuhr and then becomes fearful, the first bit of speech between his two ears transforms into being evil.

In a hadith, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وس;م) said: "The supplications of three are not rejected: Fasting person when he breaks his fast and Pilgrim and one who is oppressed.''

Oh, great Allah! I fasted for you and now breaking the fast with your food. (Sunan Abu Dawud Sharif - Hadith No.

The position of Iftar Prayers

Closer to Allah One of the reasons is that it is Sunnah for a fasting person to break their fast by supplicating at Iftar. Now, this is when Allah Ta'ala 'ish yet more readily willing to get started with hearing His servants.

Thanksgiving: The fast man thanks Allah Ta'ala for all his blessings when offering the Iftar prayer.

Enhances the significance of Fasting: An act that increases your reward for fasting is to perform the Iftar prayer.

Pure Your Spirit: Dua at Iftar purifies your soul and provides soothing to the mind.

Ramzan Dua for Increasing Devotion to Allah These Duas help in increasing devotion and love of Allah

The Sunnah of Iftar Prayer

There is a Sunnah of reciting different prayers before and after Iftar. The most famous of these prayers are:

Before Iftar: "Bismillahi wa 'ala Barakatillah" should be recited. And

After Iftar: "Allahumma Laka Sumtu Wala Rizqika Aftartu" should be recited.

Why are Iftar Prayers needed?

This monthly fast is the method of spiritual cleansing for a Muslim. The prayer of Iftar intensifies this purification. This prayer makes their recitation closer to Allah, which is why the type of worship on their behalf can be very acceptable in front of knowledge.

Iftar Dua ​​The Dua is:

Arabic iftar dua:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي لَكَ صُمْتُ, وَبِكَ امَنْتُ, وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ, وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ

ifter dua Transliteration:

"Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa 'alayka tawakkaltu wa 'ala rizq-ika-aftartu."

Translation after dua bangla:

"O Allah! I fasted for You, believe in You, and put my trust in You, and with Your sustenance, I break my fast."

Iftar prayer Bengali pronunciation

Bishmillahi Allahumma laka sumtu wa a'ala rizqbiqa wa aftartu birahmatika ya arhba'mar rahimeen.

Iftar prayers are Arabic

بِسْمِ الله - اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ

Analysis of iftar prayers

Dua e Iftar: Dua E iftaar is one of the FARj Roza fast-making prayers in the Ramazan holy month on the Hijri Islamic calendar. This supplication is worship in the fasted and brings about bringing one closer to Allah Ta'ala. So, our purpose should be to learn this dua quickly and recite this duain while fasting.

Virtues of prayers recited before and after Iftar

Before Iftar: "Bismillahi wa 'Ala Barkatillah"

Meaning: I break my fast under the command of Allah, at his table and prayers.

However, by reciting this dua the fasting person fulfills his iftaar differently and expresses that he wants to use the blessings within this dua. This prayer is mentioned in Islamic Sharia, and it should be of Sunnah. Recite this prayer before Iftar.

After Iftar: "Allahumma Laka Sumtu Wala Rizqika Aftartu"

It means, "O Allah! My dear Ummah: I have fasted for You and broke My Fast with the sustenance you provided Me."

By this prayer, a fasting person comments that his worship belongs to only Allah Ta'Ala.

'O Wasial Magfirati, Igfirli'

It means, "O Great Forgiver! Forgive me." Translation: By reciting this dua the fasting person repents before Allah Ta'ala.

Iftar Sunnah Details and Directions

Having Dates: Taking dates before Iftar is also a Sunnah in Islamic Shariah. If you do not have dates, drink water and break the fast.

Jamaat Iftar: If you can with your family or anybody at least have Jamaat Iftar. It magnifies the Dawabitha (the reward was to say worship) and he activates a sense of affiliation

بِسْمِ الله - اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ

Bishmillahi Allahumma laka sumtu wa ala rizqiqa wa aftartu birahmatika ya arha'mar raheymeen.

iftar kay liye sahi maqsood duwa kya hy?

Bishmillahi Allahumma laka sumtu wa ala rizqiqa wa aftartu birahmatika ya arha'mar raheymeen.

How to do iftar dua?

Bishmillahi Allahumma laka sumtu wa ala rizqiqa wa aftartu birahmatika ya arha'mar raheymeen.

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